“Unregulated, illegal gambling operations in Lansing invite crime into our neighborhoods and business corridors. Police officials said several types of gambling machines were available for patrons to play at the Logan Square and South Cedar Street locations. In October 2021, the Lansing Police Department contacted the MGCB seeking assistance in investigating alleged illegal gambling operations.
“The MGCB is committed to helping communities statewide remove illegal gambling machines, and we are happy to support the Lansing Police Department in this investigation,” said Henry Williams, executive director, MGCB. 28 at Bourbon Street in the Logan Square Shopping Center, 3222 South Martin Luther King Blvd., and the second search warrant March 4 at 777 Games of Skill, 5031 South Cedar Street, Lansing. MaMichigan Gaming Control Board assisted the Michigan Department of Attorney General and Lansing Police Department investigators with raids at two alleged storefront casinos in Lansing recently.